
Collaboration with Jörn J. Burmester

The canon has been fired. SHTF – Shit Hits The Fan – marks the tipping point, the moment of truth that will show who will survive. And the preppers are radical survival specialists. Burmester & Feigl appropriate the paranoid phantasies of the prepper community. What is the fascination, with these rampant fears and the obsession with security that are increasingly characteristic of contemporary Western societies? When did fear replace the belief in political change? What value will emancipation, equality, and participation have when facing warrior peasants who are armed and ready to defend their supplies at all costs?

Idea, realisation: Florian Feigl, Jörn J. Burmester
Sound, Video: Mark Boombastik
Performance: Mark Boombastik, Jörn J. Burmester, Florian Feigl

Premiere: Oktober 2014
Sophiensaele, Berlin